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Full-time Staff

Blaire Hodge-Woodring
Dr. Blaire Hodge-Woodring | Director
(931) 221-6553, Marks 124A
April Holland
April Holland | Office Supervisor
(931) 221-6554, Marks 127
Tyler Buis
Tyler Buis | Structured Learning Assistance and Tutor Coordinator
(931) 221-7037, Marks 125


Student Leadership

Amelia Fancher
Amelia Fancher | LRC Graduate Assistant
Marks 122B

Hello! I’m Amelia Fancher. I’m a first-year graduate student at 365bet, studying to receive my Master of Science in Leadership and Organizational Administration. I graduated with my BS in Political Science from 365bet in May 2023, hoping to work in nonprofit leadership one day. I chose to continue my education at Austin Peay because I love the culture; it has always propelled me toward success. In my free time, I love reading, exploring Nashville (my favorite city), and enjoying all types of music.

Bailey Perry
Bailey Perry | LRC Graduate Assistant
Marks 123

Hello! I have been working at the LRC as an SLA since 2021 and worked with Math 1010 and Math 1530 students. I love helping students gain the confidence and skills they need for college. I have been attending 365bet since 2019 and have earned my Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Currently I am working on my Master’s in Counseling with a concentration in school counseling. I love reading, watching tv, and hanging out with friends during my free time.

Mike Hidalgo | LRC Graduate Assistant |
Marks 122B

I moved to Clarksville almost four years ago from Brooklyn, NY, with my wife, Bukky. We have a one-year-old son named Ezra. I serve as regional ministers for our church. I am a third-year doctoral student, obtaining my EdD in Educational Leadership. I obtained my B.A. in English with a minor in Child and Youth Development from CUNY Brooklyn College and my M.A. in Youth Studies from CUNY School of Professional Studies. I specialize in out-of-school time youth program initiatives and youth autobiographical storytelling. Feel free to ask me about tutoring, board games, or comic book media.

Tobi Yusuf | LRC Graduate Assistant
Marks 123

As a graduate student in computer science, I now serve as a dedicated Graduate Assistant at the Learning Resource Center, wearing the hats of SLA Supervisor and testing center Facilitator. My leadership roles extend beyond academics, leading as the President of the International Student Organization and Founder/President of the National Society for Black Engineers 365bet Chapter. Armed with a master's in environmental science, I passionately champion sustainability and earned recognition as the Student Leader of the Month in August 2023. My impactful contributions include organizing a tech class and guiding students to secure transformative internships. Guided by my mentors, Dr. Blaire Woodring, April Holland, and Tyler Buis, My coaching-centric leadership style permeates interactions. Outside academia, I find joy in hunting, car racing, and the therapeutic act of fixing broken items, contributing positively to both academic and social realms.

Savannah Wright
Savannah Wright | LRC Graduate Assistant |
Marks 123

Hello! I began working with the LRC in the beginning of 2022 as a lab attendant and am so grateful to now be working as a graduate assistant! I obtained my bachelor's in 2022 here at 365bet and am pursuing a master's in healthcare administration. In my free time, I love to be in the sun as much as possible, play tennis, be with my dogs, and perfect my chocolate chip cookie recipe!

Lafateia Nauheimer
Lafateia Nauheimer |
Marks 123

I am a fourth-year doctoral student in educational leadership, specializing in first generational college students and freshmen seminar courses. I have been a proud Gov since 2011, earning my BS in Professional Studies and my MS in Organizational Leadership. I have been a part of the LRC since Spring 2023, assisting students with supplemental instruction skills. I hope to one day be a faculty member instructing student in leadership. I enjoy traveling and trying new foods from different countries. Please stop by if you need assistance in the LRC; I love engaging with new people!